Mind the Dust

This is a place nobody cares about anymore. 
A place where people would once visited. Maybe twice. 
That cute corner of the web you pass by and wave to the gentleman sitting on a chair. 
He sits down, sips his coffee and watches the passersby smiling back at him. 
Now that corner is forgotten. 
 The man went back inside. 
Passersby are tucked in their homes watching their phones. 
And on their phones they search the web for pictures of that old corner, 
to try and remember that once they were happy with simple corners with men sitting on chairs.

Mind the Strat


Hi. Long time no see.
Hi Long. Time no see.
Hi long time. No see.
Hi long see no time.

Mind the Lights


2011-11-12 NYC, originally uploaded by Soyza.

Circled Times Square.

Mind the Directions


ONLY, originally uploaded by Soyza.

Not only.

Mind the Red Lights


RailCrossingRoad, originally uploaded by Soyza.

Mind the Inuksuit


Inuksuit at Baby Beach, originally uploaded by Soyza.

Testing for Echoes.

Mind the Sea


Boca Catalina, originally uploaded by Soyza.

Não seria nada mal dar mais um mergulho nesse mar transparente.

Mind the iGuana


iGuana, originally uploaded by Soyza.

O pequeno dragão pré-histórico caribenho.

Mind the Teeth


MOVE!!!, originally uploaded by Soyza.

♫ Looking in my rearview mirror.. ♫ ♪

Mind the Freedom of Thought


Don't You Dare, originally uploaded by Soyza.

Mind the Macro


Camera test, originally uploaded by Soyza.

Testando a camera nova com a lente velha.
ISO Hi 10000. Impressionante.

Mind the Coat


Yep, it's snowing again..., originally uploaded by Soyza.

O pior inverno dos últimos tempos.
É o que dizem por aqui.. neve, temperaturas super baixas, e ainda estamos em Janeiro (mais 2 meses de frio pela frente).

Pelo menos a paisagem fica bonita!!
... mas só por algumas horas, até começar a derreter e ficar aquela coisa nojenta, suja. Uma mistura de neve, gelo, areia, fuligem e sujeira dos carros.

Mind the H4X0R


Leet, originally uploaded by Soyza.


Mind the Plug


Hot USB not FireWire., originally uploaded by Soyza .

Hot technology.